25 May, 2014

Visiting Lecture: Prof. Stephanie Pincetl, Founding Director California Center for Sustainable Communities, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA

It is a great pleasure to welcome Prof. Stephanie Pincetl, Professor in Residence, Founding Director California Center for Sustainable Communities, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA

Unraveling Complex Urban Systems for a Transition to Just Sustainability: What are the Elements?
Sustainability has become widely adopted as a goal for many cities.  This term has many meanings, or none at all! But the urgency to make cities less resource intensive is greater than ever.  We need to refocus our attention on what we need to know to move cities to greater sustainability, in a way that is also more equitable for its inhabitants. This talk will lay out elements for a multi-dimensional empirical understanding for a transition to greater sustainability. They include: reflexive investigation of the epistemological underpinnings of sustainability science, considering urban nature, measuring resource flows into cities, their supply chain impacts, and use, unraveling the hard and soft infrastructures that co-produce cities, and finally examining how transitions can take place toward greater and more equitable urban sustainability.

Chair:  Prof. Rob Krueger

When:  May 27, 18:00
Where: Walfer Campus, Bât X, Rm 034

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