13 February, 2014

Forthcoming in Local Environment: International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

Rescaling Sustainability, a Special Issue of Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability is complete.  We have a great line-up of papers that we really think you should read. 

An author pre-print of the editorial is freely available immediately:

Carr & Affolderbach (author-preprint, editorial) "Rescaling sustainability? Local opportunities and scalar contradictions

Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

If you have access to Taylor and Francis, you can access the individual articles below:
Note to authors, if you have a link to a freely available draft version, I am happy to post it. 

K. ONeill & D. Gibbs
Towards a sustainable economy? Socio-technical transitions in the green building sector

P.V. Hall & P. Stern

Implicating waterfronts in regional sustainability

E. Dansero & M. Puttilli  
Multiple territorialities of alternative food networks: six cases from Piedmont, Italy

K. McIllhenney & R. Hayter 
Sustaining jobs and environment? The value-added wood industry in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia

T. Freytag, S. Gössling, S. Mössner 
Living the green city: Freiburg's Solarsiedlung between narratives and practices of sustainable urban development

A. Otto & M. Leibenath 
The interrelation between collective identities and place concepts in local wind energy conflicts

N. Alaily-Mattar, A. Thierstein, A. Förster
Alternative futures”: a methodology for integrated sustainability considerations, the case of Nuremberg West, Germany

J. Wilker & K. Rusche
Economic valuation as a tool to support decision-making in strategic green infrastructure planning

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