12 July, 2019

The IGU Urban Geography Commission annual meeting, 4-9 August 2019

The IGU Urban Geography Commission annual meeting, 4th -9th August 2019 is coming up. It will be held this year in Luxembourg. Information about the IGU can be found here:

Below shows the schedule at a glance. The full program, including schedule of keynotes and speakers, descriptions of field trips and information about visiting Luxembourg, can be downloaded

New publication on Smart Cities

A new publication came out today: Carr, C., and Hesse, M. "Smart Cities, ‚big politics‘ und die Privatisierung der urbanen Governance" in Forum - für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur.

The full article can be requested the University of Luxembourg's publication archive: http://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/39894

The 30th Annual Conference of the International Network of Urban Research and Action will take place in Luxembourg, 2020

Hold on to your hats! At the 2019 INURA Retreat in Croatia, it was voted and decided that INURA will celebrate the 30th Annual Conference in Luxembourg, 2020. The event will unfold as a partnership between the Christian Schmid from the ETH and the urban group at the Institute for Geography and Spatial Planning. We will let you know the dates and program in due course.

Find information about INURA at www.inura.org.

For now, thank you Arie van Wijngaarden for the first personal investment into this upcoming event!

Further Readings on INURA at Urbanization Unbound
Hesse, M, Doerr, T., Carr 2018. Keep off the grass - even if the grass is not grass
Carr, C. An event in Zurich on housing co-ops and cooperative living
Carr, C. Notes on INURA Lisbon 2013