STATEMENT BY the IFL-Leibniz institute For regionaL geography, Leipzig, Germany, ON THE RUSSIAN ATTACK ON UKRAINE
We are appalled by the Russian attack on Ukraine and strongly condemn the Russian government's actions, which violate international law.
At the IfL, we have been working for decades in close, trusting cooperation with scientists from all the states of Eastern Europe. We do this not only out of scientific curiosity, but also always in the conviction that the joint development of knowledge about each other, guided by mutual respect and recognition, and also the personal contacts between each other, contribute to international understanding and peace. This is one of the reasons why we have established the Leibniz Science Campus Eastern Europe – Global Area here in Central Germany together with eight other partners. The Campus supports young researchers from all over the world in developing new scientific perspectives on a globally embedded and interconnected Eastern Europe in an open exchange. It remains a basic principle priority for us to maintain close academic exchange with colleagues from Ukraine, Russia and all other successor states of the Soviet Union.
We are deeply concerned for our colleagues and friends in Ukraine. To them and their families we assure our full solidarity and our support for a self-determined life in peace and freedom.
Under these circumstances, it is out of the question for the director of the IfL, Prof Dr Sebastian Lentz, to accept the Semyonov Gold Medal of the Russian Geographical Society.
For all employees of the IfL,
Sebastian Lentz, Director
Declaration by the International Geographical Union (IGU-UGI) on the Ukraine crisis
Declaration by the International Geographical Union on the Ukraine crisis
The International Geographical Union notes with dismay the alarming situation in Ukraine and finds the invasion of a sovereign democratic nation by Russian forces senseless and unacceptable. These actions are undermining global security and stability and have led to deplorable human suffering and loss of life.
In the interests of peace and stability in international relations, we call for an end to the hostilities and for a resolution that respects the sovereignty of Ukraine and all its people.
The International Geographical Union stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and its community of geographers, along with those in Russia who are courageously manifesting their rejection of war. We wish the citizens of Ukraine great strength in resisting and overcoming this shocking crisis.
We note that scientists and scientific journalists in Russia have issued the following open letter on the situation:
En Francais:
L’Union géographique internationale observe avec consternation la situation alarmante en Ukraine et juge insensé et inacceptable l’invasion d’une nation démocratique souveraine par les forces russes. Ces actions portent atteinte à la sécurité et à la stabilité mondiales et entraînent des souffrances humaines et des pertes de vies déplorables.
Dans l’intérêt de la paix et de la stabilité des relations internationales, nous appelons à la fin des hostilités et à une résolution qui respecte la souveraineté de l’Ukraine et de tout son peuple.
L’Union géographique internationale est solidaire du peuple ukrainien et de sa communauté de géographes, ainsi que de ceux qui, en Russie, manifestent courageusement leur rejet de la guerre. Nous souhaitons aux citoyens de l’Ukraine beaucoup de détermination pour résister et surmonter cette crise bouleversante.
Nous notons que des scientifiques et des journalistes scientifiques en Russie ont publié la lettre ouverte suivante sur la situation:
The American Association of Geographers (AAG) has published a petition on its website that can be supported HERE.