Congratulations to Nathalie Christmann who successfully defended her dissertation on October 19th entitled, "Wohnmobilität in der Großregion eine interurbane Diskursanalyse mit Fokus auf den Städten Arlon, Thionville und Trier," ("Residential mobility in the Greater Region - An interurban discourse analysis with focus on the cities of Arlon, Thionville and Trier"). Her work delivers important lessons in border studies and transnationalism with regards to labour movements in cross border agglomerations. Her work will soon feature on in Luxembourgish with English subtitles.
Effects of residential mobility that is moulding uneven development in border regions can be perceived very differently by city councils, planners and local populations. This research focuses on the perceptions of population mobility and housing in the Greater Region, a transnational cross-border polycentric region in western Europe. Recent economic development of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has called for a constant expansion of the labour market, attracting cross-border commuters, and highly mobile professional elites. The concomitant rises in property prices as well as the extreme housing shortages in Luxembourg have led to an expansion of the housing market into the border regions. So far, studies have mostly dealt with the socio-demographic characteristics of the transmigrants. This research aims to detect people’s perceptions of the phenomenon by applying a discourse analysis, and thus aims to trigger an increasing awareness of the various dimensions concerning the emerging transnational housing market.
Sitting on her panel were Prof. Dr. Markus Hesse, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Sailer, Prof. Dr. Birte Nienaber, Associate Prof., ph.d. Martin Klatt, und Prof. Dr. Christian Schulz
Congratulations Dr. Christmann!